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National Ass’n of Peer Programs
PO BOX 10627
GLADSTONE, MO 64188-0627
toll-free phone: 877 314-7337
toll-free fax: 866 314-7337
NAPP (NPHA) Resolutions
Resolution on the occasion of National Peer Programs Day
WHEREAS, The National Peer Programs Day is to be held on Wednesday, October 26, 2005; and
WHEREAS, Peer Programs help young people in (INSERT COMMUNITY) and throughout the world mobilize to address the academic and social needs of fellow students and have emerged as a recongized and dynamic force in our community; and
WHEREAS, Peer Programs provide people with opportunities for learning, guidance, emotional support and growth which translates to reduced drug and alcohol involvement, highter academic skills, reduced HIV/AIDS, reduced unwanted pregnancy, reduced conflict, increased understanding of differences, and increaded service to others by helping others, peer helpers often increase their own self-esteem and personal functioning; and
WHEREAS, through research and evaluation, Peer Programs have been found to be one of the most proven and effective prevention strategies; and
WHEREAS, Peer Programs are an example of how service to others is a foundation for positive growth and change:
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the (INSERT COMMUNITY NAME HERE) congratulates the (NAME OF SCHOOL) Peer Program for their dedicated service upon the occasion of National Peer Programs Day and extends to them its sincere best wishes for their continued success;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted forthwith to the (NAME OF SCHOOL).
Resolution against hazing, defined as: “Any humiliating or dangerous activity expected of a student to belong to a group, regardless of their willingness to participate.”
WHEREAS, the mission of the NPHA includes development of youth through peer helping, and
WHEREAS, the NPHA attempts to enhance educational experiences of youth and reduce risks, and
WHEREAS, youth who participate in school activities are uniquely vulnerable to hazing, and
WHEREAS, hazing obstructs the development of good citizens, escalates risks, negates positive contributions, and destroys respect for self, others, and the environment,
THEREFORE, be it resolved that the NPHA will increase awareness and prevention of hazing.
School Connectedness WHEREAS, schools and society, as a whole, are very concerned with increased violence in our society among youth,
WHEREAS, many young people come to school presenting risk factors,
WHEREAS, school connectedness is a powerful protective factor to combat these risk factors,
THEREFORE, be it resolved, that peer programs that follow NPHA programmatic standards intentionally promote connectedness in the school environment.
Times of Crisis WHEREAS, homeland security is of national concern,
WHEREAS, the nation’s efforts have focused on physical security,
WHEREAS, the psychological and emotional impact of homeland security has been under-emphasized,
WHEREAS, our youth have enhanced concerns and fears over security,
THEREFORE, be it resolved, that peer programs that follow NAPP (NPHA) programmatic standards introduce an element of training that equips peer helpers to provide emotional assistance in times of crisis.
Civic Involvement WHEREAS, youth have become engaged in global issues at the neglect of local civic involvement,
WHEREAS, youth are preparing to become the leaders of tomorrow,
WHEREAS, youth are not currently seen as a local resource or a voice to be heard,
WHEREAS, an increased number of schools are requiring community service,
WHEREAS, peer programs engage youth in civic duties and develop social justice-oriented citizens,
WHEREAS, youth can be trained as effective advocates for social change,
WHEREAS, peer helping programs that follow NPHA standards are shown to be effective,
THEREFORE, be it resolved, that peer helping is utilized as a strategy to implement and integrate service learning into school, community and faith-based programs and initiatives.
Support for qualified counselors and other mental health counselors providing direct services in schools.
The National Peer Helpers Association (NPHA)is concerned about professional counselors and other mental health professionals being utilized with clerical tasks, advisement and other administrative tasks as opposed to working with youth in prevention (Peer Programs), intervention (Case Teams) and remediation (Individual, family and group counseling). We also believe that trained professional counselors and other mental health workers are effective in training and supervising peer programs.
WHEREAS, schools should utilize professional counselors and other mental health workers to lead and be part of peer programs, care teams and remediation; and
WHEREAS, those professional counselors and other mental health workers need to adhere to the highest program standards by following NPHA Programmatic Standards and Ethics and becoming a Certified Peer Program Educator (CPPE); and
WHEREAS, paraprofessionals or other staff in schools need to take over the current roles of clerical advisement arid administrative tasks so that professional counselors and other mental health workers can impact students, communities as the school environment in prevention, intervention and remediation roles.
THEREFORE, be it resolved that NPHA supports utilization of professional counselors and other mental health workers in prevention (peer programs) intervention (care teams) and remediation (counseling). The end result will be youth that are healthier both mentally and physically, safer schools, and youth will he utilized as assets as opposed to problems. These professionals need to follow the NPHA Programmatic Standards and Ethics and become a Certified Peer Program Educator (CPPE).
Support for the mobilization of youth to achieve zero tolerance for bullying in schools and communities.
The National Peer Helpers Association (NPHA) is concerned about the evidence of bullying as a major cause in school acts of violence, such as shootings at Columbine and Santana High Schools. It is further concerned that leading educators and researchers believe that bullying is a normal part of adolescent behavior that cannot be eliminated. NPHA believes that youth can be mobilized to eradicate bullying through training and service in quality Peer Helping Programs throughout the nation.
WHEREAS, a NIH study of child development reports that a quarter of all middle-school children were either perpetrators or victims of serious chronic-bullying behavior that included threats, ridicule, name calling,
punching, slapping, jeering and sneering, and WHEREAS, in a study done at York University involving 53 video episodes of how peers contribute to bullying among elementary school students, researchers found that 54% of the time onlookers stood by passively as the bully picked on the victim: 21% of the time, some of the onlookers joined in the taunting, and in only 25% of the cases did a child attempt to step in and help the victim or call for a teacher’s help; and
WHEREAS, in a survey of almost 100,000 6th-l2th grade students done by Search Institute only a quarter consider their school to have a positive climate often because of lack of positive peer interactions; and
WHEREAS, youth have demonstrated through clubs and youth initiatives that they can be agents for change in issues that affect their lives such as teen pregnancy (Greater Holland, Michigan): drug trafficking Des Moines. Iowa): education (defeat of Jerry Brown’s boot-camp charter school, Oakland, California: negative portrayal of youth of color in the NY Times; and
WHEREAS, when young people can be brought together, encouraged, and given the resources and skills to create change, the possibilities are endless.
THEREFORE, he it resolved that NPHA urges the U.S. Secretary of Education and all State Governors to provide funds to schools for youth initiatives to stamp out bullying. This money to be spend on a) training for teachers regarding this issue, including how to mobilize youth: b) support for Peer Helping Programs; and c) on-going research to track results; and
Be it also resolved that NPHA urges all Peer Helping Programs to make eliminating bullying and improving school climate as one of their major goals and purposes.
Following September 11, 2001
WHEREAS: September 11, 2001 was a tragic day in American history.
WHEREAS: The trauma of events resulted in feelings of fear violence, isolation, anger, instability, and grief.
THEREFORE: In the spirit of the NAPP (NPHA) vision, “people helping people”, peer helpers should be encouraged to reach out to someone who is suffering from a traumatic event. By so doing, the National Association of Peer Programs, formerly the Peer Helpers Association, celebrates the power of humanity to overcome this human suffering, which are the strength of our democracy and the hope of the future.
NPHA Training and Supervision Mandate
WHEREAS: Students are being put into positions of service without adequate training and supervision.
WHEREAS: Students who perform these services without proper training put themselves and others at risk of regression, academic failure, guilt, blame, and individual emotional And program damage.
WHEREAS: With proper training and supervision, research indicates there is exponential growth for the peer helper and those that they serve.
THEREFORE: It is only ethical to place students in service positions (i.e. tutoring, mediation, service learning, mentoring etc.) after training and ongoing supervision, which adhere to the National Association of Peer Programs, formerly the National Peer Helpers, Programmatic Standards and Ethics.
Support for Federal Tobacco Regulations
The National Peer Helpers Association (NPHA) is concerned about youth access to tobacco, the marketing of tobacco products to minors, and the health effects of tobacco products and tobacco prevention issues. The NPHA supports measures to protect minors from the harmful effects of tobacco.
WHEREAS. Use of tobacco products leads to the premature disability and death of 400,000 Americans annually due to lung disease, circulatory system disorders, cancer and other causes; and
WHEREAS, 90% of all initiation of tobacco use occurs among individuals under the age of 18 and
WHEREAS, 3.000 adult Americans quit smoking every day, another 3,000 American teenagers, most in their early teens begin smoking every day: and WHEREAS. young teens who initiate tobacco use have great difficulty quitting and are more likely to experience tobacco-use related diseases leading to premature disability and death as adults; and
WHEREAS. Use of tobacco products by minors under the age of 18 is illegal in all state: and
WHEREAS, additional strategies such as tobacco education utilizing peer resources and substantial price increases for tobacco products have shown to be effective in discouraging teenage initiation of tobacco use.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the NPHA urges the President. Congress and all Federal health institutions and agencies to adopt the strongest possible messages to discourage underage tobacco use as recommended by public health authorities, including: a) increasing taxes for tobacco products; b) regulating tobacco products: c) setting underage tobacco use reduction targets and initiating financial penalties to the tobacco industry if these targets are not met; and d) utilizing tobacco tax revenues to support education through peer delivered programs to assist in prevention of tobacco use as well as advocacy and support for those trying to quit the use of tobacco products.
Support for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administrations (NHTSA) Goal of Reducing Deaths Caused by Drinking and Driving
The NPHA is concerned about the number of deaths and injuries related to drinking and driving. Each year drunk and drugged driving leads to one death every 33 minutes, 1 injury every 2 minutes and 1.5 million arrests nationally.
WHEREAS. NPHA has been a leader in providing programs to youth-serving organizations to reduce deaths by drinking and driving through creation of its “You Drink and Drive, You Lose” campaign; and
WHEREAS, the NHTSA the NPHA are working toward a goal of reducing impaired driving fatalities to no more than 11,000 by 2005; and
WHEREAS, achieving this goal will reduce deaths caused by drinking and driving by approximately 5000 each year.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the NPHA supports the NHTSA‘s “You Drink and Drive. You Lose” campaign to reduce deaths related to drinking and driving to no more than 11 .000 by 2005.
The NPHA further recommends that members, state affiliates and local programs support and promote programs that involve youth in supporting this campaign. The NPHA encourages peer program leaders to design and implement peer programs to educate youth and parents about the goal of reducing deaths caused by drinking and driving.
Support for Reduction of Violence through Gun Controls
The NPHA supports the reduction of violence through appropriate forms of gun controls, especially safety devices for gun owners and promote a focus on preventing violence and injuries before their occurrence.
WHEREAS, every day in our nation 12 young people die as a result of gun violence; and
WHEREAS. the US Department of Education reported that in 1997-98 nearly 4,000 public school students, K- 12, were expelled for bringing a gun to school: and
WHEREAS, youth have easy access to guns that cause violence in schools and communities; and
WHEREAS. 8 major gun manufacturers have agreed to put trigger locks on all new guns now being manufactured, but there are still more than 200 million guns in America that need to be locked up as well; and
WHEREAS, the technology exists to have a safety device that can only be accessed by the gun owners.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the NPHA supports appropriate forms of gun controls, specifically safely devices for gun owners.
Support Peer Progams in Schools to Reduce Violence
The NPHA supports peer programs that adhere to NPHA Programmatic Standards as effective strategies to reduce violence.
WHEREAS, peer programs in schools have proven effective in reducing violence and conflict, increasing academic skills, and providing leadership in promoting health behaviors; and
WHEREAS, peer programs that adhere to the NPHA Programmatic Standards are more effective; and
WHEREAS, peer programs that are supported by their community and administrators are twice as effective.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the NPHA supports and advocates legislation that identifies peer helping programs as a priority strategy to help youth. Additionally, the NPHA supports Congress in a) providing legal and monetary support for peer helping programs; b) suggesting that schools adhere to NPHA’s Programmatic Standards and the use of peer helping programs; c) encouraging communities to support peer programs; and d) supporting funding or identifying resources to fund such programs .