Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Peer helping is a variety of supportive services initiated by peers in diverse settings. Often, peer helpers are young people, trained and supervised by professionals, who adhere to ethics and standards endorsed by helping professionals and NAPP, formerly NPHA. Peer helpers often become preventive agents who identify problems and encourage others to seek the necessary help from appropriate professionals. Peer helpers provide people with opportunities for learning, guidance, emotional support, and growth which translates to reduced drug and alcohol involvement, higher academic skills, reduced HIV/AIDS and unwanted pregnancy, reduced conflict, increased understanding of differences, and increased service to others. By helping others, peer helpers often increase their own self-esteem and personal functioning.

As a member of the National Association of Peer Programs, formerly National Peer Helpers Association, a professional organization which is committed to excellence in peer programing, you will receive excellent services and benefits such as: an annual national conference where you may network, acquire new information and resources as well as acquire new skills; the Perspectives in Peer Programs-a journal filled with information on program ideas, materials review, state of the art program profiles and research, the NAPP Programatic Standards and Ethics to develop, strengthen and enhance peer programs, access to “MEMBERS ONLY” areas of the web site, training and consultation from NAPP Certified Trainers and Consultants, and eligibility to participate in the certification programs offered by NAPP.

Members are individuals from all over the United States. There are several international members as well. A large percentage of the members are employed in educational settings from elementary schools through the college level. There are also members who work for local, state and national agencies, both public and private. The service delivery of Peer Programs is as varied as the membership. Peers are involved in Peer Mediation, Peer Ministry, Peer Education, Peer Counseling, Peer Mentoring, Peer Tutoring, Youth Development, Drop-out Prevention, Conflict Resolution, Substance Abuse Prevention and much, much more.

HOW CAN I JOIN NAPP? There are several ways to join NAPP. You can apply for membership on-line with the “Join/Donate” link, paying for membership though PayPal. Some people prefer to send a check to the NAPP offices. A few have employers who will pay for their membership through a purchase order. You can print out your application from the on-line form now, if that works better for you. Join NAPP. The past Peer Facilitator Quarterly and new Perspectives in Peer Programs also has a membership application in it.

The members elect a Board of Directors in June of each year. Board members are elected to a three year term. The number serving on the Board currently is 14. Board members elect the officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Member-at-Large who serve on the Executive Committee along with the Past-President. The Board does not function alone. There are committees which consist of Board members as well as NAPP members. The Committees report to the Board.

There are currently eight standing committees. The president can form new committes, as needed. Below is a brief summary of each of the standing committees:

Advocacy Committee
The Advocacy Committee promotes the idea of peer helping and peer programs to outside constituencies in order for others to realize the value and effectiveness of our programs.

Awards Committee
The committee solicits nominations and recommends award winners to the board of directors for the annual NAPP awards .

Board Development Committee
This committee is responsibile to: identify, recruit and nominate persons to be elected to the Board of Directors and to provide ongoing opportunities to enhance board membership and provide leadership training.

Conference Committee
The committee is responsible for all aspects of the NAPP Conference. This includes planning, program development, speaker selection, site review, marketing, and volunteer and conference coordination.

Development Committee
This committee actively seeks financial opportunities, including grants to further the work of NAPP specifically as well as Peer Programs in general.

Finance Committee
The Finance Committee oversees the income and expenses of the organization and sets a yearly budget.

Membership Committee
The membership committee serves the NAPP membership by assessing their needs and developing an action plan based on those needs. They also work on marketing the organization, by developing phamplets and other materials to promote NAPP.

Professional Development
The Professional Development Committee oversees certification for people, programs, curriculum and trainers/consultants. Find out more about certification programs

Any member of NAPP can contact the NAPP office by phone, e-mail ([email protected]) or mail to express intrest in joining a committee. The committee chair will be notified and the interested member will be contacted. The committee chair and the NAPP president approve all appointments to committees.