
2006 NAPP Annual Conference

The 20th Annual NAPP Conference and Training Institute was held from November 8-12, 2006 at the Sheraton Providence Hotel in Rhode Island.

The 20th Annual Conference was a success! Participants were enthusiastic about the quality of workshops and the ease of networking in a smaller group. The kick off was the President’s Reception with fabulous food and a performance by “Off The Curb.” The photo on the left is of 2nd President Barbara Varenhorst, Current President Corinne Pridham and 3rd President Elizabeth Foster.

In addition to attending outstanding workshops, participants were able to network throughout the day. Each morning participants gathered for a continental breakfast in the ballroom. The ballroom was open all day. One of the new and fun activities was a silent auction with a variety of items, including books, gift baskets, airline tickets and diamond earrings. The bookstore was also a big hit with participants able to look through their items before making a purchase–rather than the guessing that happens with on-line purchases.

Another conference highlight was the Annual Awards Luncheon, held on Sunday, November 12. The photo shows Barbara Varenhorst and Varenhorst Award of Merit recepient, Darlene Colmar. The NAPP Peer Program of the Year was awarded to Janice and Bruce Grieshaber, founders of the Jenna’s Mentors Program in Syracuse, New York.

At the conference Dr. Barbara Varenhorst announced that she is making an endowment to Search Institute to establish the Varenhorst Center for Positive Relationships. The Center will focus on Research, Advocacy, Training, Networking and Products. One of the goals will be to reestablish excitement and support for Peer Helping Programs. Another will be to create a social culture in our society that builds and supports positive relationships. Dr. Peter Benson, President of Search Institute, announced that the Center will be the core of all future work done at Search.