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NAPP Trainer/Consultants
National Ass’n of Peer Programs
PO BOX 10627
GLADSTONE, MO 64188-0627
toll-free phone: 877 314-7337
toll-free fax: 866 314-7337
NAPP Annual Awards
The National Assoication of Peer Programs, formerly National Peer Helpers Association, annually recognizes significant contributions made in the field of Peer Programs. The following awards are given:
Originally titled, NPHA AWARD OF MERIT, this lifetime achievement award is presented to an individual who has made significant, ongoing contributions to the peer helping profession. The nominee should possess the personal qualities thought to be desirable as a peer helper/peer helper professional and be responsible for important innovations in peer helping programs in any form (media development, legislation, creative arts, funding). All activities/accomplishments can have taken place over the recepient’s entire career of involvement with peer helping.
2001 – Barbara Varenhorst
2002 – Florence Cranshaw
2003 – David (Randy) Black
2004 – Judith Tindall
2005 – Corinne Pridham
This award is presented to recognize an individual who has significantly contributed to the field of peer helping through her/his publications and presentations. This individual has brought positive public awareness to peer helping; is a current member of NAPP, formerly NPHA; is currently producing (within the last five (5) years) scholarly materials in peer programing; is capable of communicating ideas and facts to groups with diverse membership; and has an in-depth knowledge of peer programs.
2001 – Judith Tindall
2002 – John Sciacca
2003 – Alex Kehayan
2004 – Elizabeth Foster
2005 – David (Randy) Black
This award is to recognize an individual who, through his/her contributions to peer programs, demonstrates an emerging growth and prominence in the peer helping profession; is a current member of NAPP, formerly NPHA; is working in the field of peer helping programs; promotes and is responsible for innovations in the field of peer helping; provides leadership in the further development of existing peer programs; and has demonstrated leadership in peer helping by performing outstanding service to the school or community within the last five years.
2001 – Michael Patterson
2002 – Sara Moscato
2003 – Scott Butler
2004 – Nancy Berenthal
2005 – Renee Maude Guerrier
This award is to recognize a model peer program within a community or school setting. Programs that are certified by NAPP, formerly NPHA, are given special consideration. The program nominated for this award must be an existing program within a community or school setting, at the Elementary, Middle, Junior High, Secondary or Post Secondary level. The program must be capable of serving as a model for creating strategies to address issues affecting schools or communities; programs should follow the Standards and Ethics established by NPHA, including but not limited to, having a mission, clear and written selection processes, techniques for evaluating the program. The program must have been in existance for five (5) years prior to the date of presentation of the award.
2001 – New York City SPARK Program, NY
2002 – Peer Information Center for Teens, IN
2003 – Glenbrook High Schools, IL
2004 – Spring High School, TX
2005 – Teenline Listener Program, CA
This award is to publicly recognize one outstanding male and/or one outstanding female who have made significant contributions to the field of peer helping. The nominee must meet the age requirement equivilant to that of a junior or senior in high school; be actively involved in peer helping for at least two (2) years prior to the presentation of the award; embody the attributes of peer helping standards and leadership; demonstrate, understand and promote the potential of peer helping programs in changing lives, schools, and communities; willingly demonstrate and promote the highest standards of conduct; accept the role of spokesperson for peer programs; be a leader who communicates support of peer helping programs through speech and written publications. Nominees must also exemplify the spirit of all peer helpers worldwide.
2001 – Melissa Hough, MI
2002 – Kathryn Rose, MA, and Todd Torres, MA
2003 – Nicole Klink, MA, and Michael Le, TX
2004 – Kate Blankmeyer, MO, and Matthew Hepler, TX
2005 – Denise Demello, MA